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Parental Control App

Our parental control app offers a way to keep a close eye on children of all ages, especially teenagers. It can be used on Android phones, and you will need to install it on the device you want to track. The installation process is relatively easy, and it doesn’t require any special skills or knowledge. Verified sellers usually provide step-by-step tech support to their users, and the app can even be installed in the supplier’s office if the user finds it more convenient.

The parental control app can be installed both on the phone that has already been used and on an entirely new device that will be gifted to a child. It’s completely invisible — it doesn’t leave any trace, take up too much space, or affect phone functions. The phone will work as usual, and there will be no indications that the app has started working.

The parental control app is an ideal solution when the parent is concerned about the child being in danger. There are numerous situations in which this app could be helpful — especially nowadays, in the digital era, when children are threatened by different types of violence and harassment on social media and the internet in general.

Phone Tracking App

Phone Tracking App

Parental Control App — Moral Dilemmas

The parents who have opted for this type of control did not make their decision lightly. They were troubled by numerous moral dilemmas. Should they respect the child’s privacy, or should they take the necessary steps and resolve some concerns they may have? Of course, we must take into account the fact that parental control is not a novelty — parents have been tracking children to see who they are with and what they are doing for ages. Often, that is the only way to find out the truth — however, it has turned out to be rather efficient, as it has allowed parents to save their children from drugs, alcohol, or other types of destructive behaviour.

The modern technological era comes with new risks and temptations, both for the children and the parents. In the past, children used to be in danger only when they were outside. Today, however, they could be harmed even when they are in their own home, with their parents a couple of steps away. Have you ever wondered what your child is doing online for hours on end, who they are texting, and what they are browsing or watching? We know you have. If you’ve noticed any strange behaviour, especially detachment from reality, irritability, and other adverse changes, it’s high time you do something about it.

Of course, you should always try to talk to the child first. You can lead the way by setting up a relaxing atmosphere and trying to find out what it is that’s bothering or worrying them. However, if a child doesn’t want to talk and claims everything is fine despite their actions proving otherwise, we can assure you that the problem is there. As a parent, you can try to find out the truth from the child’s friends, their parents, teachers, etc. Still, the information you will receive this way could turn out to be incomplete and insufficient.

Therefore, parental control apps provide one of the best ways to discover the truth about your child’s behaviour. The loudest opposers to this method are the parents who have never thought about their child having such a problem. Their main argument is the trust they have built with their children over the years. Still, there are some situations when children do something they are ashamed of even though they’ve been taught not to do it. That shouldn’t come as a surprise — after all, they are only children.

Valuable Information

Our parental control app enables you to:

  • Listen to and record all phone calls in real-time
  • Keep an eye on the incoming and outgoing call logs, emails, and messages
  • Track audio, video, and text messages on Viber, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Instagram DM, Skype, Snapchat, Hike Messenger, Hangout, Pinterest
  • Use Keylogger and track everything that has been typed on the phone
  • Pinpoint the precise GPS location and access the full location history
  • View the photos and videos taken with the target phone
  • Control all the apps on the target phone
  • Access browser history
  • Turn the front and back cameras on and off and watch everything happening near the phone in real-time

How Does the Parental Control App Work?

The set-up takes about 20 minutes. After that, all call logs, chat logs, audio and video files, and browser and location history can be tracked via the parent’s phone or through the web panel that you can log in to with a unique password and username. Don’t worry, though — if you can’t track the conversations and text in real-time or if the phone is not connected to the internet, all the data will be stored on the web panel, so you will be able to access it at your convenience.

Which Parental Control App Should You Choose?

There are different apps that allow you to track children through their phones. Still, you should choose wisely since there are some copies that don’t work properly. Free versions can be harmful in particular because they often contain malware and viruses that can damage the phone or even delete the data. Some of them even collect the data of the child whose phone they’ve been installed on, posing a serious threat. That is why we recommend that you choose a parental control app that comes with a fiscal receipt and a warranty.

If you need a reliable app for child tracking, tech support, and a free trial period during which you will get to know the app better, feel free to contact us since that is precisely what we offer. We can promise you absolute discretion and privacy protection.

